Friday, July 3, 2009

So, I spent ANOTHER night in Paris.  I'm not complaining, but I really should be visiting somewhere else.  I feel much better than I did the other day.  If I had a day where I SHOULD feel like I did the other day, it would have been today!  I had to change trains FIVE times coming back from Brugge!  A trip that should have taken about 3 hours took more like 6.  It didn't phase me one bit!  I don't understand myself sometimes.  I dunno.  But after this I'm headed off to Rome.  And all my other places are booked so I can't come running back to Paris.  I don't know why I feel more comfortable here.  I just really fell in love with the area we were staying in. (I actually took a 45 minute subway right JUST to go grocery shopping in that area so I could see it again, which I know is silly) sadly my new hostel is waaaaaaaay far away from it, but the place I managed to get is actually really nice.  It was called Oops, so I was anticipating something much worse.  But its one of the nicest ones I've been in.  I didn't really say much about Brugge, so I guess I'll do that now.  It was a really beautiful city.  Everyone rode bikes.  It didn't matter if you were 6 or rode a bike.  A brochure said that "getting lost in Brugge is like getting lost in time" which is exactly true.  Its a ton of really old, but still incredibly beautiful buildings all along cobble stone streets.  There were quite a few canals there to, which were really pretty.  I know I still need to get pics up...and I will when my internet decides to work on a regular basis.  Right in the middle of up loading stuff it will freeze up or log out.  :o(  Soon though!  Again, I'm fine....I didn't mean to scare anyone!  I just felt so so strange for a reason I can't quite explain.  I think I can explain it, but I might sound like a nutcase, but if you're curious just ask...I don't mind sharing.  It's a long story and a lot to type.  How's that for a cliffhanger?  :o)  Another thing I can't quite explain....I have no clue why I wrote Notre DAMN instead of DAME.  My mum pointed that out to me and I was soooooooo embarrassed.   I PROMISE it was just an unfortunate typo and I was not trying to be disrespectful.  I felt like such an idiot when she told me about it!  So, I apologize.  The typo has been fixed and I swear it was not on purpose!  I'm heading out!  Love you all!

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