Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I spent a good part of the day at the Uffizi.  It was another day of “NO FOTO!”, but this time they REALLY meant it and there weren’t a ton of people for me to hide behind.  This one guy took a picture and got REAMED by one of the Foto Nazi’s.  You’d think he’d knocked a picture off of the wall judging by the way she yelled at him.  I did get to see a ton of really famous/important works.  Their altarpiece collection ranged in dates from the late 13th century until the 15th century.  I can remember trying to memorize the main differences in altarpieces, as well as the dozens of Madonna and Child pieces, and their differences were really obvious when they are right in front of you.  That was not the case during my art history classes.  You can only look at so many of extremely similar, small textbook photos before they all start to look the same.  It was really amazing to see the amount of detail that was put into those altarpieces.  Slides, and textbook photos do not do them justice.  The fabric, flesh, foliage, and hair were all painstakingly done.  And on top of that it looked like some were lightly carved into with a complex design either as fabric detail or just as a pretty design around the edges.  I had no idea that they were this detailed until now.  I also got to see Michelangelo’s Holy Family, Raphael’s Madonna of the Goldfinch and Da Vinci’s Annunciation  (did you know he was only 20-ish when he did that?!).  These were beautiful up close!  They were flawless!  I also got to see some works of Botticelli, Titian, Caravaggio, and Rembrandt to name a few.  I wish I could have taken a few pictures!  All the good ones were under glass so there would have been quit a bit of reflection anyways, but still.  The Uffizi is huge and by the end I was ready to sit down for a good hour at least, which didn’t happen, but I did get to sit for a little bit.  I stopped and had the best pizza ever!  I think my favorite part was the fresh basil and olive oil on top.  I don’t think I can go back to the usual pizza ever again.  I only had one gelato today, by the way!  I might catch up tomorrow though :o)  I did a lot of wandering today.  I wanted to see the gardens, but by the time I left the Uffizi, they were already closed.  I did get to see Dante’s house, which was cool.  I’ve been meaning to read his Divine Comedy.  Maybe I’ll work on it when I get back.   I’ll be happy to sit and read for a few days when I get back.  My legs are so tired!  I need a day with only a tiny bit of walking!  Which is why I’m giving myself a day at the beach tomorrow!  :o)  I’ve been trying to get to the beach since I got to Europe and now I finally have the chance.  I really need a day to lounge before my legs give out.  I’m heading to Venice in the morning for a beach day, then from there I’m catching the night train to Vienna.  I may not be able to write for a few days.  Just giving you all a heads up!  I more than likely will not have internet access until I arrive in Dublin on the 11th.   I can’t wait to be at the beach!  I think I’m more looking forward to sitting and doing nothing actually!  That, and getting rid of all my goofy tan lines from my sandals and tank tops.   I guess that’s it for now.  Love you all!

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